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How to send MicroSurveys?
Ian James S. Pagulayan avatar
Written by Ian James S. Pagulayan
Updated over a week ago

Using our SMS and Email Feedback feature, you'll be able to send a survey directly to your customer's phone or email. This is a great way to capture feedback at a different stage in your customers' journey.

Note: Before you can send a MicroSurvey to your new customers, you’ll need to add them to your Contacts.

Here's a quick guide on how to send MicroSurveys...

Step 1: Log in to the RateIt portal

Go to to login and then head to the MicroSurveys tab. From there, click the Send MicroSurvey button.

Here's what you'll see the first time you send a MicroSurvey. Give it a try and you can send MicroSurveys to your customers from there:

Step 2: Choosing your respondents

The next step is to choose the respondents from your Contacts. Excluding customers that have been contacted in the past is an easy way to filter new customers who will receive their first MicroSurvey. Click the Next button when done.

In most instances, you'll only upload contacts when you are ready to send them surveys. In this case, you can proceed right after uploading the CSV by clicking the 'Send MicroSurveys to these contacts' button in the blue notification bar like below:

Step 3: Selecting the location and the MicroSurvey

Now, you will need to select the location to associate the rating with and the MicroSurvey profile you would like to send. You can either select the location from the Dropdown or use the assigned location in your contacts. In case you're selecting assigned locations, make sure that you have set this up in your CSV when you were uploading/adding your contacts.

Also a friendly reminder, Don’t forget to choose the most recent version of your MicroSurvey.

Step 4: Configure the template

Here, you'll need to configure your Email and SMS content. Even if you are only sending by SMS or by email, you're required to specify all fields to continue.


You'll need a subject and a reply-to address. In the subject line, you can add the name of your respondents from the right pane or manually type the name of your company.


You'll need to have a paid subscription in order to send SMS Surveys. Contact our Support team at [email protected] to subscribe.

The SMS body can contain a maximum of 1500 characters. You can include the feedback URL(the link your customers will click to submit feedback), the name of your respondents from the left pane, and/or the name of your company in the template. If you don't append the Feedback URL, it will automatically be appended when processed.

Step 5: Preview

This is your chance to preview everything before it is sent. Make sure everything looks correct before you hit the Send button!

Finished: Request Sent

Once all your surveys have been added to the queue, you'll get a message like the one below:


The Email or SMS rating request you send to your customers will expire in 30 days from the day it was sent out. This is to give your respondents enough time to submit their feedback and to avoid misuse/abuse of the service at the same time.

Should you have any questions or if you would like to give us some feedback, please contact our support team at [email protected] - we’d love to hear from you.

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