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RateIt Portal Onboarding Guide

Getting to know your RateIt Portal

Ian James S. Pagulayan avatar
Written by Ian James S. Pagulayan
Updated over a week ago

While the RateIt Portal (your online dashboard) is super easy to use, there is a lot to learn (particularly during your first couple of weeks with us), so we've put together this handy guide that will walk you through everything you need to know about how to use and manage the portal and your users.

Navigating the insights dashboard

The My Insights page (your primary insights dashboard) is what you'll see when you first log in to the RateIt Portal and is where you'll find an overview of how your CX and NPS scores are tracking overall as well as how you're tracking in certain areas.

Here's a breakdown of the info you'll find on the insights page:

Overall CX and NPS Scores

At the top of the My Insights page are your overall CX and NPS Scores. By default, we'll show you your scores based on the past 30 days of ratings, but you can customise the date range when needed:

Tip: Hover your cursor over the percentages to see how many ratings have contributed to that result.

NPS Trends

Next, you'll find your NPS Trends, which gives you a high-level view of how your NPS is tracking on a daily, weekly and monthly basis and is a great way to pick up on trends (e.g. in the image below, you can see that our NPS has been trending downward each week).

NPS Leaderboard

If you have access to more than one location, the NPS Leaderboard will show you how each location is performing against one other.

Category Trends

For those of you who use a category-based questionnaire, you will have access to a graph that shows you how each category (e.g. wait times, team friendliness, product range, etc.) is trending in relation to your chosen date range (by default, we show you the last 30 days with a weekly view).

Category Leaderboard

If you have access to more than one location, the Category Leaderboard will show you how each location is performing against one other in relation to each category.

MultiChoice Breakdown

For those of you who use a multi-choice-based questionnaire, you'll have access to individual breakdowns of each of the key drivers behind the scores your customers give you for each question they are asked.

The sample below shows a breakdown of the reasons why customers gave an NPS of a 9 or a 10:

Tip: You can click the Show Trends button to display the Trend Graph for each driver!

Viewing your individual ratings and verbatim comments

The Ratings tab (located within the black toolbar at the top of the page) is where you'll find all of the ratings your customers have left you. To display the ratings with verbatim comments only, simply turn on the ‘With comments only’ toggle on the left.

By default, you're shown every rating from every location, but you have the option to filter the results based on what you need.

Responding to your customers

The Ratings tab is where you'll go to reply to customers who have left an email address. Simply turn on the ‘With comments only toggle on the left and narrow down the result. There are a few different ways you can reply to your customers:

Respond to each customer one at a time

This is the most popular way to respond to customers as it allows you to create a personalised response specific to each customer and the feedback they have left.

To send a personalised response:

  1. Click the blue Reply button to the right of the message you'd like to respond to.

  2. Click the Create New Response button to write a personalised response (recommended).

  3. OR, choose a template from the list to the left (instructions outlined below).

  4. Click the blue Reply button to send your message.

Respond to multiple customers at once

If you're pressed for time, and there are multiple comments of a similar nature, you can select multiple comments and send the same response to each of them.

To respond to multiple customers:

  1. Use the Checkbox to the left of each message you would like to respond to.

  2. Click the blue 'Reply to' button (in the below example, Reply to 3 comments).

  3. Click the Create New Response button to write your message.

  4. OR, choose a template from the list to the left (instructions outlined below).

  5. Click the blue Reply button to send your message.

Respond to ALL customers simultaneously

If you don't wish to send a personalised or similar response to any of your customers but would like to acknowledge their feedback, you can select all comments that you haven't responded to and send a general email to all of them at the same time.

To respond to all customers simultaneously:

  1. Choose the Select All checkbox to select all un-responded messages

  2. Click the blue Reply to button (in the below example, Reply to 30 comments)

  3. Click the Create New Response button to write your message

  4. OR, choose a template from the list to the left (instructions outlined below)

  5. Click the blue Reply button to send your message

Creating response templates

In addition to creating personalised responses, you can also create templates that are handy if you find yourself sending out similar messages to multiple customers on a regular basis. We've also included a few templates of our own, which you can either use, customise or delete.

To create and edit email response templates:

  1. Click on the Ratings tab along the top toolbar.

  2. Click the Reply button next to any active comment (don't worry, you won't need to send a reply unless you want to!).

  3. Click the Create New Response button on the left-hand side.

  4. Add a subject line (this will be visible to your customers) and write your message.

  5. Click the Create New Template button down the bottom to ensure your new template is saved.

Some other handy things to note:

  1. You can use the Groups & Locations drop-down menu to view comments associated with a particular location(s).

  2. By default, all comments are shown, sorted by newest at the top - use the ‘Not yet replied’ under the Action filter to quickly show all unreplied feedback.

Adding and managing your users (Super Users only)

Adding users to the portal couldn't be easier, but you'll want to have a good grasp on the different types of access levels you can grant your portal users before you start to add them:

Here's a summary of the different access levels:

Super Users

Think of Super Users as company admins who have unrestricted access to the RateIt portal. Super Users can:

  • Add and manage additional portal users

  • View all data for all of your locations

  • Manage ratings (more on this below)

Tip: Super User accounts are best suited to high-level managers (e.g. the project leader, customer service etc.) and company executives (e.g. the CEO, General Managers etc.)

Standard Users

Think of Standard Users as company admins who only require limited access to the portal and locations. When adding a Standard User, you can:

  • Assign specific locations (or all locations within the company) to their account

  • Allow them to respond to customer feedback (by TICKING the 'Can reply' check-box.

  • Grant them 'Read Only' access to their locations/feedback by UN-ticking the 'Can reply' check box.

  • Allow them to manage their own ratings-more on this below.

  • Allow them to manage in-survey staff selection.

Adding Users to the RateIt Portal

Now that you're familiar with the different access levels you can choose for users, you're ready to start adding your team:

  1. Click Settings from the top menu.

  2. Click User Access from the menu to the left.

  3. Click Add a new portal user.

  4. Choose whether you want to add a Super User or a Standard User.

  5. Fill in the relevant fields (if you're adding a Super User click Add User and you're done!)

  6. If you're adding a Standard User you'll also need to choose whether they are able to respond to customers and manage ratings.

  7. Select which locations you'd like the user to have access to.

  8. Done!

Note: The new user will then receive an account activation link via email where they can set their password and log in!

Managing your ratings and feedback

We have an advanced validation system in place that helps us filter out junk/spam ratings such as:

  • Offensive language.

  • Children playing with the device.

  • Staff members trying to increase their scores.

  • Gibberish/unintelligent comments (e.g. dhkjdsfbss).

However, it's not a perfect system and will not be able to detect ALL of the junk ratings that users submit. To combat this, Super Users and approved Standard Users can use the ' Rating Manager', which allows you to manually invalidate junk ratings that slip through the cracks.

How to use the Rating Manager:

1. Click the Ratings tab along the top toolbar of the RateIt Portal.

2. From there, click the Manage Ratings toggle to enable the editor.

3. Locate the rating you'd like to remove/invalidate.

4. Untick the checkbox to the left of the rating to invalidate.

5. When you're done, click the Manage Ratings toggle again to turn off the editor.

Times you might like to use the Rating Manager:

  • A staff member forgot to enable Demo Mode, and their test ratings came through.

  • A child was playing with the device, and their ratings came through.

  • The rating isn't relevant to your company but passed our validation system.

Note: The power is in your hands ...but use it wisely…as your name and email address will be linked to the rating you mark as invalid. 😉

Exporting your raw data to CSV

The CSV export function is handy if you would like to use the raw data to either upload your feedback to a third-party tool (such as Salesforce) or if you would like to create your own internal graphs and reports.

To export your data:

1. Log in to the RateIt Portal and head to the Ratings tab.

2. Select your preferred data criteria using the Ratings Filter.

3. Choose your date range using the Date Range filter.

4. Click the Export to CSV button towards the right of the screen.

5. Our system will then email you a link to download your CSV export.

Note: The exporter will export the data based on the criteria you currently have active at the time of exporting.

Managing your email notifications

There are a variety of email notifications you can enable or disable for your account:

All Comments

You will receive an email each time a verbatim comment has been received at the location (or locations) you have access to. This includes ALL comments, regardless of whether it was positive or negative in sentiment.

Negative Ratings

You will receive an email each time a negative RATING has been received at the location (or locations) you have access to - regardless of whether a written comment has been attached to it. A negative rating is a rating that has a CX score of Awful or not great, or the NPS is less than 5.

Daily Reports (On by default)

You will receive an email each morning with a summary of how your locations tracked for the previous day. This includes a breakdown of how many ratings were received, key comments as well as a summary of offline devices.

Weekly Reports (On by default)

You will receive an email each Monday morning with a summary of how your locations tracked for the previous week. This includes your weekly NPS + CX scores, leaderboards for your locations as well as an overview of the key comments received for the week.

Offline Device Alerts

You will receive an email alert every time one of your devices comes offline, including some general details about what caused this to happen (e.g. lost internet connection / low battery etc.)

To update your email preferences:

  1. Head to Settings via the top right-hand corner of the My Insights page

  2. Click on My Email Notifications from the left-hand column

  3. From here, you can either enable or disable the various email notifications as desired

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