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Add a new visitor flow

Add new visitor flows to your Zipline system and customise entry requirements for each

Written by Jarrod Page
Updated over a week ago

πŸ€” What new visitor flows can be added to the Zipline check-in process?

Organisation Administrators can now easily add new flows to their check-in experience.

New flows can be used to:

  • Capture new visitor cohorts, volunteers as an example

  • Further refine existing cohorts, defining contractors as either clinical contractors or maintenance contractors

  • Set specific entry rules for like visitor cohorts, for example visitors to residents/patients requiring a negative RAT before entry, but visitors to staff members only needing to complete an attestation

πŸ‘‡ Here's how to do this

  1. Log in to the Management Portal, select the relevant Location from the dropdown list and then Flows on the left hand side.

  2. To add a new flow, click the Add Flow button on the top right hand side.

  3. On the General tab, complete the fields that are required to start the creation of the flow. This screen will define:

    • The name that appears on the Zipline tablet for this visitor type, for example employee rather than staff

    • If labels are printed for this visitor type, the size and content of those labels

    • Any visitor-specific messages that are to be provided.

  4. Once complete click 'save' at the bottom of the screen.

  5. Click on the Flow Requirements tab and Add requirement to add specific requirements to this new flow.

  6. Start by selecting the requirement type, Zipline has the following five requirement types to select from:

    • Declaration: used for attestation, attracts a yes/no type response

    • Evidence: used to collect evidence from visitors, such as vaccination evidence, RAT evidence

    • Host: used to set visitation rules such as hours and density limits

    • Multiple Choice: used to ask questions of visitors that can attract more than a yes/no response, customised instructions can be provided based on each response

    • Short Answer: used to provide visitors with a free text field

  7. Once the requirement type has been added complete details that are asked of that requirement and select Save.

    πŸ’‘ Pro Tip: Zipline recommends posing each requirement as a question.

  8. Continue adding additional requirements until the flow provides the visitor the option to respond to all requirements of entry.

  9. Once complete, toggle-on all of the requirements (requirements are toggled-off by default) and drag and drop each requirement to reorder.

πŸ‘ You've done it!

Once you toggle-on the new flow via the General tab, your flow will be live and available for use on your Zipline tablet.

πŸ’‘ Pro Tip: Leave the Show flow toggle off until you are ready to launch this flow. Flows can be set-up in advance and then released to Zipline tablets by an Organisation Administrator once ready.

πŸ’‘ Pro Tip: If you would like to set certain evidence requirements for visitors

please see here

πŸ€” Require support in setting up a new visitor flow?

Please speak to one of our Support Heroes ([email protected]) who will provide further support to Organisation Administrators in setting up new flows.

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