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Managing user access
Managing user access

Add, edit, or deactivate user access and manage roles

Ian James S. Pagulayan avatar
Written by Ian James S. Pagulayan
Updated over 2 weeks ago

As an administrator, you have access to managing users and roles for your organisations. The platform has two key features to help make this easy.

Feature: Roles (Sets of Permissions, Deployed Across Users)

Newly introduced functionality lets you define a role (set of permissions) once which can then be consistently applied across users, with the exception of locations. This makes managing different levels of access across numerous users simpler and safer.

Our new roles functionality is progressively becoming available. Contact us if you would like to take advantage of it.

Feature: Permissions (by Platform, Product & Location)

Permissions help provide granular access for individual users, or to a set of users associated with a role.

How to Add/Edit Users

Log in to your portal, choose All Locations from the locations filter, and head to SettingsUsers.

To add a new user, click the Add new user button, then add their details and assign their permissions and location(s), or alternatively, assign them a role.

Hover your mouse to the Edit button next to access to change permissions or their role, reset the password, or deactivate their access entirely.

A Guide To Different Permissions

Platform Permissions

  • View reports: Provides access to viewing/download reports/dashboard for the specific product(s) a user has access to.

  • Edit settings: View and edit configurations for the specific product(s) a user has access to.

  • Edit users: To allow the user to manage access, define and assign roles.

QuickStart Product Permissions

Permission Types

  • View data: View all associated data for the specific location(s) and product module(s) a user has access to. Users are also able to add files.

  • Manage data: Manage all associated data for the specific location(s) and product module(s) a user has access to. "Manage" actions include adding/editing/archiving people in the system and changing the status of documents and requirements.

  • Batch edit data. Make batch changes to data and send messages to multiple people at once.

Product Module Access

  • Applications: View and manage applications for new applicants and workers changing roles, according to access levels. See all records associated with an application. Specifically, this allows access to the "Applications" and "Approvals" tabs, and "Reports" if allowed.

  • Ongoing Compliance: View and manage data for workers according to access levels, excluding new applicants. Specifically, this allows access to the "People" and "Approvals" tabs, and "Reports" if allowed.

Check-In Product Permissions

  • Full evidence access: View approved vaccination evidence after 24 hours. Users without this permission can only view evidence when it is not yet approved, and within 24 hours after approval.

  • Batch edit data: Batch archive people or change resident status to unavailable, merge residents.


Provides permission to view data for specific location(s) relevant to the user.

A Guide To Managing Roles

To view and manage roles, log in to your portal, choose All Locations from the locations filter, and head to Settings ➡ Users ➡ Roles.

Adding/editing roles

To add a new role, click the Add new role button, then name the role and define the permissions associated with that role. Roles can then be edited if needed, or deleted if no longer in use.

Organisations can customise roles to their needs and create as many roles as needed to cover different user types (e.g. system admins, reception, reports viewers, etc.)

Assigning roles

Once roles have been set up, simply edit a user and assign them a role via Settings ➡ Users. Users who are not assigned a role will retain their original permissions.

For larger organisations, contact us for help with a one-time migration to roles using a bulk import (implementation costs may apply).

Suggested Roles

While each organisation can create their own roles, below are a list of suggestions which can be used for inspiration.

QuickStart Roles
QuickStart Administrator – Full access to all QuickStart features except user management
QuickStart Power User – Perform advanced actions in QuickStart and view reports.
QuickStart Standard User – Standard access to QuickStart and view reports.
QuickStart User – Standard access to QuickStart, no report access.
QuickStart Reports Viewer – Can view reports but take no actions.
QuickStart Viewer – Read-only access to all of QuickStart.
QuickStart Applications User – Can manage Applications within QuickStart.
QuickStart Applications Viewer – Read-only access to Applications.
QuickStart Ongoing Compliance User – Can manage Ongoing Compliance within QuickStart.
QuickStart Ongoing Compliance Viewer – Read-only access to Ongoing Compliance.

Check-In Roles
Check-In Administrator – Full access to all Check-In features except user management
Check-In Power User – Can perform advanced actions in Check-In and view reports
Check-In Reports User – Can view Check-In reports
Check-In Standard User – Standard Check-In usage access

Common Questions

I need help managing or getting access

If you're not an administrator, contact your HQ to request your access or on behalf of a colleague. If you are an administrator (from HQ) and don't have the feature to manage users, don't hesitate to contact us.

Why can't I edit my co-administrators?

As a security measure, we don't allow anyone with Edit Users access to edit each other's profiles - to ensure no one can alter all accounts. If you wish to remove/change an administrator's account, contact our lovely Support Team, and they'll give you a hand from there.

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