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Real-Time Vaccination/Test Evidence Approvals & Exemptions
Real-Time Vaccination/Test Evidence Approvals & Exemptions

Approve visitors as they check in for vaccination and Covid testing requirements

Lex Ituarte avatar
Written by Lex Ituarte
Updated over 3 years ago

Zipline allows visitors get vaccination and test evidence pre-approved, enabling them to sail through on the day. However, many visitors only present this evidence on the day, meaning that admin staff will be required to immediately review and approve vaccination evidence before a visitor can enter.

Zipline makes this process as quick and secure as possible by allowing staff to quickly review and approve evidence, giving time back for other tasks.

The focus of this article is how to approve vaccination evidence when a visitor is checking in via the tablet and needs immediate approval. In addition, we cover how to provide a single visit exemption to vaccination and/or testing requirements.

Ways To Approve Vaccination Evidence

There are three ways to approve vaccination evidence:

  • Manually, at the tablet, by writing in the staff member name.

  • Securely, at the tablet, using a PIN code.

  • Remotely and securely, via a phone or portal notification.

Exemptions to vaccination and testing requirements can only be granted at the tablet, using manual or PIN-based approval.

Testing requirements are automatically approved if a visitor provides an acceptable answer, but can be reviewed after each check-in or audited as required. Any exemptions to testing requirements must be granted by a staff member at the tablet.

Manual, At-Tablet Approvals

What Visitors & Staff See

Visitors will see the "Staff review required" screen after adding vaccination evidence. They will be prompted to ask a staff member over to help with approval.

Staff can then approve evidence using the "Approval by staff" button and by writing their name.

How To Set It Up

No setup is required. This is the default option if no other settings are turned on.

Secure, At-Tablet PIN Approvals

What Visitors & Staff See

Visitors will see the "Staff review required" screen after adding vaccination evidence. They will be prompted to ask a staff member over to help with approval.

Staff can then approve evidence using the "Approval by staff" button and by writing their name, as well as entering one of the relevant PINs you have set up.

How To Set It Up

Those with permissions to organisation-wide settings (accessed via "All locations" and the "Settings" tab can create up to three PINs in the Compliance & Safety section.

Secure, Remote Approvals

What Visitors See

Visitors will see the "Staff review required" screen after adding vaccination evidence, with a message of "Please wait, we are reviewing your details" with a blue background. This will show for up to 60 seconds to allow the approval to occur remotely. If the approval is granted, then they will see a success message with a green background and then automatically proceed to the next screen.

If the remote approval does not occur, visitors will be prompted to ask a staff member over to help with approval at the tablet. This can occur with the manual- or PIN-based approaches outlined above, depending on your settings.

What Staff See

Staff will receive a notification at one or both of:

  • The portal (based on the location they have selected in the menu).

  • A shared phone via SMS message (based on the phone number(s) you configure)

Staff can then review and approve evidence in just a few taps. The staff member email address will be recorded as the approver of this evidence.

How To Set It Up

Configure remote approvals by picking the relevant location in the menu, then navigating to the Settings tab, then the Compliance & Safety section.

Ways To Provide An Exemption To Vaccination/Testing Requirements

What Visitors & Staff See

Visitors can tap on "Get an exemption for today instead" if they are not able to meet some vaccination or testing requirements. They will then be prompted to confirm they would like to skip adding evidence of requirements, before being taken to the "Staff review required" screen.

Staff can then approve an exemption using either manual- or PIN-based approval methods, if they deem this appropriate.

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