October 13
View and edit SMS notification templates.
Send a cancellation SMS.
Fixed an issue where a staff Integration ID could get removed during check-in.
October 6
Add a new resident.
Create contractor types with different vaccination evidence requirements.
September 28
Add a new person and load their evidence in before they visit.
Filter by vaccination evidence status for any vaccination type.
Mark people that might not be active anymore (e.g. departing staff, no longer engaged contractors) as inactive to exclude them from the main people directory list.
September 17
Global setttings management, allowing you apply changes to health declarations, temperature, entry requirements and capacity restrictions to multiple areas and visitor types in one go.
Change organisation messages; the welcome message and Ts and Cs.
Special single location mode with all settings in one page.
Capacity restrictions can now be batch edited on a location level.
September 14
People directory will now show only the people who have checked in to a location before if a specific location is selected in the global locations switcher. All people will show under “All locations”.
A special single location mode to automatically show all content across the portal.
August 31
Support for Outings.
The "Check-ins" tab has been renamed to "Activity".
August 11
People directory now sorts A-Z.
Set max group booking size up to 10 people.
Only a landline is needed when editing location phone numbers.
July 21
See who made a booking via the portal – applies to all bookings made from this release onwards.
July 15
Approve vaccination evidence directly from the booking tab
A new pop-up window makes it easy to approve multiple pieces of vaccination evidence for multiple visitors in one go.
Visitor notes let you store persistent notes for regular visitors, providing invaluable context across the portal.
Make changes to recently visited regions on a booking or check-in.
July 9
Can now edit the name of a dependant and associated vaccination evidence.
Fixed a bug where, in rare cases, dependant's vaccination evidence was not showing on a check-in (even though it was correctly stored).