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Portal: Q2 2021 Releases

Learn about all of our portal advancements for Q2 2021.

Lex Ituarte avatar
Written by Lex Ituarte
Updated over a week ago

June 18


  • Support for Volunteers (on the check-ins tab, check-in overview pages, and people directory).

  • Edit a contractor's company name in the people directory.

  • Edit phone number in the people directory.

  • Edit notes on a booking at any time.

  • Delete vaccination evidence.


  • Replacing vaccination evidence now replaces the file on all check-in/booking records.

  • Hover to zoom into a vaccination evidence photo.

  • Clearer booking statuses in the bookings tab and booking overview pages.

  • Improved display of key info on check-in and booking overview pages.

  • More easily view approved evidence with a "view" button.

  • Dependants now show up under the visitor they are associated with.

  • The search bar is now wider on the check-ins tab.

  • See the dropdown indicator more clearly on the date picker.

  • Optimisations for better browser support.


  • You can now add dependants to existing bookings.

  • You cannot edit the health declaration answer once a visitor has checked in.

  • You can now check out a visitor on the booking overview page.

  • See the date of check out if it was not the same day as check in.

June 1


  • Search by phone number in any tab.

  • Bookings tab now allows search on visitor name AND visitee (resident) name,


  • Make the clickable area of tabs bigger across the portal.


  • Contractors now have company name underneath them in the people directory list view.

  • You can now click on a thumbnail in the manage evidence tab of the people directory to open the popup and view vaccination evidence.

  • We've fixed bugs where you couldn’t click into a contractor’s profile from the check-in overview page.

May 31


  • See and search for all people, i.e. visitors, contractors, staff and patients.

  • See data about and a log of each person’s visiting history.

  • View all personal details, including dependants, and edit name and email address of a person (except dependants).

  • Manage all vaccination evidence at any time for all visitor types. Add and replace evidence (to affect a visitor’s profile and all pending and future bookings).


  • See number of visitors on a booking

  • Search by name

  • View a person’s profile by clicking their name

  • After creating a booking, we’ve made “create a new booking” the highlighted next action (we’ve found this was more common than duplicating a booking, which is still possible after creating a booking).


  • Now called “check-ins” across the portal.

  • See company name under contractors and phone number under other visitors.

  • Search by name

  • View a person’s profile by clicking their name


  • Improved and more compact display of information.

  • See check in and check out time per visitor, or cancelled status.

  • Clearer statuses for a visitor overall and specific compliance info (approved, or not approved).

  • Approve evidence for a single visit. Add new evidence. And click over to a person’s profile to make edits.

  • See a snapshot of what the health dec was at the point in time in which it was completed.

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