In order for a National Coordinated Criminal History Check (NCCHC) to be executed, Zipline must first verify identity.
To verify identify, QuickStart will prompt candidates, employees and volunteers to provide evidence across the following categories:
Commencement of Identification evidence
Primary Use in the Community evidence
Secondary Use in the Community evidence
In addition to the above, candidates, employees and volunteers will be asked for proof of identity and need to provide an image of themselves holding one of the supplied identification documents that contains a photo.
QuickStart does not provide onscreen details of all acceptable evidence from each category, below is a complete list of acceptable evidence.
Commencement of Identification:
Australian Birth Certificate
Australian Citizenship Certificate
Australian Passport (current)
Australian Visa (supported with passport)
Primary Use in Community:
Australian Passport (current)
A Foreign passport (supported by a current Australian Visa)
Australian Government Agency Proof of Age card
Australian Government Agency Photo Identity card
Australian Drivers License
Secondary Use in Community:
Australian secondary or tertiary student photo identity document
Aviation security identification card
Bank card, credit card or bank statement
Certified academic transcript from an Australian university
Commonwealth or state/territory government photo identity card (WWCC or WWVP or government license)
Consular photo identity issued by DFAT
Credit reference check
DFAT issued Certificate of Identity
DFAT issued Document of Identity
DFAT issued United Nations Convention Travel Document Secondary
Enrolment with the Australian Electoral Commission
Evidence of right to a government benefit (DVA or Centrelink)
Firearms license
Foreign Government issued documents (eg. drivers license)
Maritime security identification card
Medicare card
Police Force Officer photo identity card
Security Guard/Crowd Control photo license
Tax file number
Trusted referees report
Need additional information? Please reach out to our Support Team who will provide additional guidance on evidence submission.