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Management Portal - Locations Tab

What is the locations tab and how can you use it?

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Written by Customer_Support
Updated over a week ago

Written by Katie Hanlon Last updated 1 hour ago by Katie Hanlon

πŸ‘‡ What is the upgraded Zipline Management Portal?

This is the desktop application in the Zipline workflow where all the details relating to check ins, visitors, vaccination evidence and any modules configured to your specific system live.

The URL for the new Management Portal is here. You will have been sent an email to set a new username and password for the upgraded portal. If you have yet to receive this, please email your Customer Success Manager.

You can click here for an introduction to the upgraded Management Portal.

πŸ‘‡ What is the Locations Tab in the Management Portal?

Within The Locations Tab in the Management Portal you can see a list of your facility locations and the number of devices set up at each.

You can click into specific locations and view configurations set up at that particular location (for example, you can include required government check in URL codes or change the temperature capture configuration).

πŸ‘‡ How do I access and use the Locations Tab?

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